Monday, November 24, 2008

From now on... - Escrito 40

Now I see this is where I belong. I was lost, blind; I was hopelessly winding through dark and intricate mazes. I've got the clear sensation that I can trust you. For the first time in my life I cannot help bringing my heart completely to someone, and that's you.

My entire self is yours, take it, do whatever you want with it. I feel so helpless, just like a defenseless child. In spite of my deep terror, I fearfully offer you everything I've and I'll ever got.

Wow! This is for real, no haze, no illusions, no persuasion’s needed, not this time.

I'm absolutely sure that my whole life was a preparing phase for the one I'm living now with you.

It's funny, you just entered into my life without any kind of invitation, or even any light warning. When I met you I was just off guard, and as always I wasn't looking for anything. I was right in thinking I had not the necessity of being searching for someone, I knew the right guy would just eventually come into my path.

This is so very strange, since I don't believe it's love yet, not yet. It's something different from anything I've known. I don't know what it is, it has no name, it's just a kind of certainty that I cannot explain.

I cannot help expecting nothing but good things from now on...

Noviembre de 2008

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